Thursday, March 7, 2013

Learning The Cities

-Jupiter City
         This is the capital city of Dinami. There will be specific buildings in this area. This includes Jupiter Castle, the abode of the king of Dinami, who is me. There is also an amazing building known as 龍的心. This is Chinese for Heart of the Dragon. It is a museum focusing on amazing wonders of the world and great finds such as the first book ever to be written, a map to Atlantis drawn 1,500 years ago, and a sard of gold said to be from El Dorado. There is also incredible Chinese heritage over here as well. There is a special movie theater known as the House of Dreams. It is located at the river of sand which is a desert. It is called the river of sand because it is only about 40 feet wide when it goes through the city and empties out at a large desert, measuring about 100 acres. There are many more things that I would like to discuss, but now isn't the time.

         This is a new city I had introduced to you a while back. Its name in Italian means wisdom. This city will have many amazing things, but there is one thing in particular I would like to talk about. This is the area that the next olympic games will be held. I made this so so that we could make friends with the other countries. The stadium will be called Potenza stadium. Some more announcements will be given soon.

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