Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dinami: The Most Diverse Biomes

         Dinami is a place you can not ever hope to believe, even when you see it. Dinami is a WORLD of adventure. The island has a mind of its own, and can change, but it will not directly harm you. There are many animals here, so be cautious. This place is bustling with cities and friendly people and the cities look magical. However, there are many open fields and foresats, even mountains! Here are some pictures to help you get the picture!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Flag of Dinami

         This is my flag with its symbol being a four leaf clover. A four leaf clover represents four things, one for each leaf. According to legend, the first leaf represents faith, the second represents hope, the third represents love, and the fourth represents luck. File:icon cool.gif

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Learning The Cities

-Jupiter City
         This is the capital city of Dinami. There will be specific buildings in this area. This includes Jupiter Castle, the abode of the king of Dinami, who is me. There is also an amazing building known as 龍的心. This is Chinese for Heart of the Dragon. It is a museum focusing on amazing wonders of the world and great finds such as the first book ever to be written, a map to Atlantis drawn 1,500 years ago, and a sard of gold said to be from El Dorado. There is also incredible Chinese heritage over here as well. There is a special movie theater known as the House of Dreams. It is located at the river of sand which is a desert. It is called the river of sand because it is only about 40 feet wide when it goes through the city and empties out at a large desert, measuring about 100 acres. There are many more things that I would like to discuss, but now isn't the time.

         This is a new city I had introduced to you a while back. Its name in Italian means wisdom. This city will have many amazing things, but there is one thing in particular I would like to talk about. This is the area that the next olympic games will be held. I made this so so that we could make friends with the other countries. The stadium will be called Potenza stadium. Some more announcements will be given soon.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Legend Of Li Galli Island 2

         Heracles (or Hercules, in Rome) was a hero whom had gone on many quests, the most recognized being the 12 Labors. Well, after Heracles died, he went to the realm of the gods and became one himself. It also said that his dark side was banished to roam the realm of Hades. Here is the legend. There are many portals that take the heroes up to the gods' realm. Dinami happens to have one of these portals hidden on the island that only opens on the solstices. Heracles entered this portal and when he returns, so will his strength. You see, when he entered, he left behind his earthly strength. This strength is said to protect the island from harm using its divine power.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Announcing A New City

         There will be another city besides Jupiter City. It will be know as Saggezza. I will give some information about it in a later post titled Learning the Cities I. Also, stayed tuned for Legends of Li Galli Island II.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Legend of Li Galli Island 1

         There are many legends that are tied in with my island, so I'll recount some stories to you. Theseus was the hero of Athens, using his wisdom to save even the life of Herculese, his older cousin. He was the creator of Athens democracy and was known to help the poor and elderly. He soon became king of Athens. His wisdom soon left him for some unknown reason, and he began going on foolish quests. His search for the heir to the kingdom put the people in turmoil, and he was soon exiled. Centuries later, there was a war against Persia and Greek soldiers reported seeing the ghost of Theseus, and they had believed that he was the responsible for their victory. His bones were then returned to Athens and put into a fancy coffin. The legend is that Theseus had transferred his knowlege to one book, and he hid it here, waiting for a worthy heir to find it. No book has been found yet, but the knowlege within is said to bring out the genuis and creativity in people.